Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

In the novel "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", Robin Sharma brings forward the problems a person faces in this fast paced world. I have often wondered, why are people always in a hurry? Why don't we stop worring about the future and enjoy the pleasures of the present? Why don't we spare some time to help others? And most importantly, why don't we have time for ourselves? These questions are like the million dollar questions which are difficult to answer but not impossible.

Sharma, outlines some methods and exercises that a person can practice to make his life better. I am not a very big fan of inspirational or spiritual novels. But I feel that some may find this book worth reading. And may find out the answers to the above questions.

Tagline: Carpe Diem. It is a phrase from a latin poem by Horace. It means "Seize the day, for tomorrow you may die".


Rambunctious WhipperSnapper said...

I'm not into spiritual books either but there IS something different about "The Monk .." .

Ritesh Agarwal said...

Yeah that's what I felt..